


HDP3.1.0、Ambari 2.7.3の環境です。



export NAME=ipa-srv1
export DOMAIN=demotest.com
export REALM=$(echo ${DOMAIN} | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
export IP=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/')

echo "IP is ${IP}"

echo "${IP} ${NAME}.${DOMAIN} ${NAME} $(hostname -f) $(hostname -s)" >> /etc/hosts
hostnamectl set-hostname ${NAME}.${DOMAIN}
hostnamectl --transient set-hostname ${NAME}
hostname ${NAME}.${DOMAIN}
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs
ethtool -K eth0 tso off

hostname -f
cat /etc/hosts

#install packages
sudo yum install ipa-server ipa-server-dns -y

#increase entropy
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
sudo yum install -y rng-tools
sudo systemctl start rngd
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

#sometimes needed to avoid server install failing
sudo service dbus restart

#install IPA server
ipa-server-install \
--realm ${REALM} --domain ${DOMAIN} \
-a BadPass#1 -p BadPass#1 \
--setup-dns \
--forwarder= --allow-zone-overlap --no-host-dns \
--auto-forwarders --auto-reverse --unattended

#kinit as admin
echo BadPass#1 | kinit admin

# create a new principal to be used for ambari kerberos administration
ipa user-add hadoopadmin --first=Hadoop --last=Admin --shell=/bin/bash

# create a new principal to be used for read only ldab bind (whose password will expire in 90 days)
ipa user-add ldapbind --first=ldap --last=bind

# create a role and and give it privilege to manage users and services
ipa role-add hadoopadminrole
ipa role-add-privilege hadoopadminrole --privileges="User Administrators"
ipa role-add-privilege hadoopadminrole --privileges="Service Administrators"

#add the hadoopadmin user to the role
ipa role-add-member hadoopadminrole --users=hadoopadmin

#create users/groups
ipa group-add analyst --desc analyst
ipa group-add hr --desc hr
ipa group-add legal --desc legal
ipa group-add sales --desc sales
ipa group-add etl --desc etl
ipa group-add us_employee --desc us_employee
ipa group-add eu_employee --desc eu_employee
ipa group-add intern --desc intern
ipa group-add sudoers --desc sudoers

ipa user-add legal1 --first=legal1 --last=legal1 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add legal2 --first=legal2 --last=legal2 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add legal3 --first=legal3 --last=legal3 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add hr1 --first=hr1 --last=hr1 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add hr2 --first=hr2 --last=hr2 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add hr3 --first=hr3 --last=hr3 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add sales1 --first=sales1 --last=sales1 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add sales2 --first=sales2 --last=sales2 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add sales3 --first=sales3 --last=sales3 --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add joe_analyst --first=joe --last=analyst --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add ivanna_eu_hr --first=ivanna --last=hr --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add scott_intern --first=scott --last=intern --shell=/bin/bash
ipa user-add noobie --first=jon --last=snow --shell=/bin/bash

ipa group-add-member legal --users=legal1
ipa group-add-member legal --users=legal2
ipa group-add-member legal --users=legal3

ipa group-add-member hr --users=hr1
ipa group-add-member hr --users=hr2
ipa group-add-member hr --users=hr3
ipa group-add-member hr --users=ivanna_eu_hr

ipa group-add-member sales --users=sales1
ipa group-add-member sales --users=sales2
ipa group-add-member sales --users=sales3

ipa group-add-member analyst --users=joe_analyst
ipa group-add-member intern --users=scott_intern
ipa group-add-member us_employee --users=joe_analyst
ipa group-add-member eu_employee --users=ivanna_eu_hr

# create sudo rule
ipa sudorule-add admin_all_rule
ipa sudorule-mod admin_all_rule --cmdcat=all --hostcat=all
ipa sudorule-add-user admin_all_rule --groups=sudoers

# add noobie to the sudoers user, to enable sudo rules
ipa group-add-member sudoers --users=noobie

echo BadPass#1 > tmp.txt
echo BadPass#1 >> tmp.txt

ipa passwd hadoopadmin < tmp.txt
ipa passwd ldapbind < tmp.txt

ipa passwd legal1 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd legal2 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd legal3 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd hr1 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd hr2 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd hr3 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd sales1 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd sales2 < tmp.txt
ipa passwd sales3 < tmp.txt

ipa passwd joe_analyst < tmp.txt
ipa passwd ivanna_eu_hr < tmp.txt
ipa passwd scott_intern < tmp.txt

rm -f tmp.txt


管理画面でUser,Group,Password Policy等情報を確認設定できます。


ambari-server setup-ldap

Using python  /usr/bin/python
Currently 'no auth method' is configured, do you wish to use LDAP instead [y/n] (y)? yes
Enter Ambari Admin login: admin
Enter Ambari Admin password:

Fetching LDAP configuration from DB. No configuration.
Please select the type of LDAP you want to use [AD/IPA/Generic](Generic):IPA
Primary LDAP Host (ipa.ambari.apache.org): ipa-srv1.demotest.com
Primary LDAP Port (636): 389
Secondary LDAP Host <Optional>:
Secondary LDAP Port <Optional>:
Use SSL [true/false] (true): false
User object class (posixAccount): person
User ID attribute (uid): uid
Group object class (posixGroup): groupofnames
Group name attribute (cn): cn
Group member attribute (member): member
Distinguished name attribute (dn): dn
Search Base (cn=accounts,dc=ambari,dc=apache,dc=org): dc=demotest,dc=com
Referral method [follow/ignore] (follow):follow
Bind anonymously [true/false] (false): false
Bind DN (uid=ldapbind,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=ambari,dc=apache,dc=org): uid=ldapbind,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demotest,dc=com
Enter Bind DN Password:
Confirm Bind DN Password:
Handling behavior for username collisions [convert/skip] for LDAP sync (skip): convert
Force lower-case user names [true/false]:false
Results from LDAP are paginated when requested [true/false]:false
Review Settings
Primary LDAP Host (ipa.ambari.apache.org):  ipa-srv1.demotest.com
Primary LDAP Port (636):  389
Use SSL [true/false] (true):  false
User object class (posixAccount):  person
User ID attribute (uid):  uid
Group object class (posixGroup):  groupofnames
Group name attribute (cn):  cn
Group member attribute (member):  member
Distinguished name attribute (dn):  dn
Search Base (cn=accounts,dc=ambari,dc=apache,dc=org):  dc=demotest,dc=com
Referral method [follow/ignore] (follow):  follow
Bind anonymously [true/false] (false):  false
Handling behavior for username collisions [convert/skip] for LDAP sync (skip):  convert
Force lower-case user names [true/false]: false
Results from LDAP are paginated when requested [true/false]: false
ambari.ldap.connectivity.bind_dn: uid=ldapbind,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demotest,dc=com
ambari.ldap.connectivity.bind_password: *****
Save settings [y/n] (y)? y
Saving LDAP properties...
Saving LDAP properties finished
Ambari Server 'setup-ldap' completed successfully.



ambari-server sync-ldap --ldap-sync-admin-name=admin --ldap-sync-admin-password=admin --all
Using python  /usr/bin/python
Syncing with LDAP...

Fetching LDAP configuration from DB.
Syncing all...

Completed LDAP Sync.
    removed = 0
    created = 33
    skipped = 0
    removed = 0
    updated = 1
    created = 15
    updated = 0
    removed = 0
    created = 292

Ambari Server 'sync-ldap' completed successfully.


ここではhadoopadminというユーザーにambari adminに設定する




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